This is the real deal! It doesn't get any more powerful than this.
-Laura, Nonprofit director
Experience more energy, abundance, 
inner peace and joy
It's time to  
let your
Soul Shine!
⭐️Stop overthinking and disconnecting from love.
⭐️Stop playing small and undervaluing yourself and your life.
⭐️Stop wrestling the Universe for your good and allow it in.

☀️Your grandest, most abundant life is waiting for you.☀️
You may feel stuck, lost or disconnected from your inspiration.
Wanting a better life yet you have too much stress or not enough energy to find the motivation for change. (even when you know it is needed💜) 

Life can be hard but it doesn't have to be this way.

After receiving my doctorate in spiritual psychology and helping clients heal for 20+ years, I discovered there are two major players in all of our lives
  • The Protective Personality (or what I call your Subconscious Survival Traps) that has helped you to "survive" which can look like:
  • Anxiety (or panic) , shame and fear
  • Depression, loss of joy, play and/or motivation 
  • Numbing out by eating, drinking, social media and other vices
  • Anger, irritation or experiencing the same draining patterns over and over 
  • Lack of Soul-care/Self-care (unable to commit to yourself and stick to it)
  • Perfectionism or pushing too hard
  • Never feeling satisfied or at peace
  • Unhealthy relationships and/or loneliness
  • Feeling disconnected spiritually
  • Feeling splattered or scrambling to control things (not sure where to put your focus or energy<:)
  • Lack of money, time, energy and clarity
  • Knowing there is more for you but your dreams aren't coming true despite all your efforts.
  • The Soulful or Wisest, Loving Self that helps you expand, embody and grow into your fullest potential which can look like:
  • An inner ability to grow, take risks and follow your inner guidance (instead of staying stuck in old patterns)
  • More self-love, peace and joy instead of self-doubt, fear and shame
  • Balanced, healthy relationships
  • Strength to handle life's ups and downs (instead of the "I can't or fear" running the show)
  • A feeling of loving connection and support from the Universe or the God of your understanding.
  • Inner peace and identity beyond your circumstances (Hint: ⭐️you are more than your circumstances<:)
  • Abundance in money, time and energy
  • More faith, trust and energy to stick to inner agreements and inspirations
  • Empowerment and clarity (so you can follow through with what is best for you and your life)
  • ​Living your purpose with passion, creativity and more success
  • ​Deep healing so you can "allow in" the good instead of wrestling the Universe for it
"When things were very bad her Soul just crawled behind her heart and curled up and went to sleep."
The great poet, Maya Angelou
Imagine every day feeling ....
☀️Lighter, brighter and more connected to life 
like you were as a child.
☀️Experiencing each day as your most wise, joyful, peaceful and abundant Self.
☀️Allowing and aligning with your good instead of wrestling the Universe for it.
You Absolutely Can!
It is time to heal, reveal and REAWAKEN the love, 
empowerment and fullness of life that is waiting for you.
💫It's time to let your Soul Shine!💫

When I met you I was a mess. I felt broken. Today I feel healed. My Soul feels whole. I am forever touched, healed and inspired by you.
-Sarah, Trauma survivor
In this program you will receive.......

🌟Mind-Body-Spirit Alignment Strategies⭐️

Let's rewire your Mind-Body and Spirit for joy, abundance love and all the life-changing gifts waiting for you from your own Soul! When you align Mind-Body and Spirit, you reduce stress, are able to be fully present in your moments instead of living in the past or future, and you move beyond your survival, protective patterns.

You can stay connected to your Soul.☀️

You may have experienced the joy, love, flow and ease of having your mind-body and Spirit on the same team during yoga class, meditation, out in nature, while praying, during a retreat or maybe even in a counseling session. 

The problem is most people lose this alignment in the day to day, when the going gets tough or they feel overwhelmed, scattered or splattered!

The mind and body are a "super highway" co-creating outcomes in your life and business. 

When you clear out blocks and live from your Soulful Self, this super highway flows more smoothly, joyfully, abundantly and lovingly.

You feel guided, supported and free from toxic patterns. You feel energized and in the flow. 

Joy, passion and energy come naturally. 

You stop battling yourself and wrestling the Universe for your good.

Opportunities open up so you can experience your hearts deepest desires.

It's vital for your mental and physical health to find and align with this super highway especially if you struggle with....
  • Past trauma 
  • ​Health problems
  • ​Drama or unhealthy relationships
  • ​Anxiety, panic or depression
  • ​Self-sabotaging thinking or feeling patterns
  • ​Feeling disconnected spiritually
  • ​Lack instead of abundance
  • ​Addictions or "reacting instead of responding" in a way that helps you feel good about you
  • Self-neglect or ​putting others before yourself in an unhealthy way
Dr. Shannon will show you powerful ways to realign, mind-body and Spirit, in ALL areas of your life.

I mean, why leave any area out?

Life is short. Get unstuck and back in the flow today!

🦋Coming from an abusive past, it had been years since I felt joy. This approach helped bring me back my joy. Every week I had a breakthrough! It was priceless to my mental health!
                                                                                                                                   -Dianne, RN

ABOUT Dr. Shannon 

They call me the “Joy Doctor”. 🙏😜
I am an award winning therapist, an amazon best-selling author, and an inspirational speaker. As an expert in the field of spirituality and healing trauma for over 20 years, I have helped thousands of people find wholeness and joy naturally.
In 1994, I had a spiritual experience during meditation that healed my debilitating anxiety and depression permanently. 

After this awakening experience, I wanted more for my clients than just traditional therapy and meds. 
I knew there was more to discover. This knowing led me to get my doctorate in spiritual psychology.
Since then, I have helped thousands of clients connect 
to their most loving, successful and joy-filled selves naturally.
I am the founder of the Ignite! programs, SOUL SHINE, Heal Your Way to Success and the “What is Your Subconscious Survival Trap" self-assessment quiz. I also am an international teacher training coaches, counselors and chaplains How to integrate Spirit and Soul into their practice, Healing from Codependency: The Journey Home to Yourself,  How to Overcome Anxiety, Panic and Trauma Naturally and many other trainings.
My most recent book, Grow Your Business by Growing You: A spiritual entrepreneurs guide to maximum success, joy and love is a roadmap to this unique, transformational process.
I LOVE helping others experience and become their most Soulful Self, dancing, 
nature, yoga, and a rowdy, game of volleyball. 🏐💜
 ☀️I am so excited to meet and support you healing into the next best version of you inside SOUL SHINE☀️
With love and joy,
Dr. Shannon


Enjoy having Dr. Shannon, an Award-winning therapist, in your pocket supporting you day and night!

Soul Shine for Healing

You will receive:

☀️8  healing modules created to guide you in experiencing deep transformation so you can break free from your protective, survival patterns that keep you stuck and reconnect with your Soul.

☀️These modules range from 10-20 minutes each and are recorded in audio format so you can listen to them in your car, while walking or at home in your favorite meditation space.

☀️ These time-tested tools have been used by Dr. Shannon, in her work with clients over the last 20 years and are created to move you beyond your anxiety, depression and past trauma and into the power of your higher nature where joy, creativity, abundance, love and peace will be your new normal.

☀️A life-time access to these healing modules that you can listen to anytime, anywhere. Whenever you need help reconnecting to your higher nature and get beyond the suffering of your pain patterns, this is there for you.

Soul Shine for Manifestation

You will receive:

☀️8 healing modules created to help you break free from your blocks to success, joy and manifest the life and business of your dreams.

☀️These 10-20 minute guided, manifestation modules will move you beyond just dreaming or wasting your energy on repeating "another life lesson" to experiencing the power and abundant flow of your Soul.

☀️You will move you beyond your mind chatter and build an inner, lighthouse so you can become a magnet for success in your life and/or business.

☀️Abundance does not come to you, it comes through you. You will discover how to align with it in these modules.

☀️A life-time access to these manifestation modules so you can tap into your power and highest potential anytime and anywhere instead of getting lost in lack. (time, money or energy drains)

Soul Shine for more LOVE and JOY

You will receive:

☀️8 healing modules to calm the chatter in your mind and body and reawaken you to the joy and love within.

☀️These guided healing modules range from 10-20 minutes each and are created to remove blocks to unconditional love and joy permanently.

☀️Put the inner critic, judge and numbed out parts of you in the back seat and allow the nurturing, aliveness of your Soul to be in the drivers seat of your life!

☀️These audio modules will teach your system to allow joy and love into your being like sunshine on a cloudy day. 

☀️When you are stuck in a survival pattern, you can't access this natural joy and love like you may have felt in moments as a child.

☀️Your truest nature is joy and love and life is to short to not experience this every day.

☀️Feel, experience, and let go to this love and joy that are within you. I can guide you in exactly how to get there. These audio modules will reconnect you, regardless of your circumstances. 

☀️A Life-time access to these joy and love modules so you can awaken to the truth of who you are, anytime and anywhere!


Get the Complete SoulShine Bundle for $97 ($141).
Save $44 
Praise for Dr. Shannon's approach:
"I am a veteran of years of traditional, talk therapy, and that was helpful to a point. However, I did more inner work the first hour with Dr. Shannon than I did in all those years getting insight into my past and present. Why? Because this process involves the totality of who I am-not just my mind and emotions, but also my body and spirit. It goes deep! This is the real deal. It doesn't get any more powerful than this!"

---Laura, Nonprofit Manager---

"Dr. Shannon’s approach helped bring me back to my joy. Coming from an abusive past, it had been years since I had felt joy. Each week of the program, I had a major breakthrough! This was priceless to my mental health!"

--Diane, Registered Nurse--

"I am confident that if you identify any of the seven subconscious survival traps (part of your protective personality) and follow the keys to breaking free, you will uplevel your life personally, professionally, and spiritually! "

--Anil D., Ph.D. President of Pharmaceutical Consulting--

"When I met you I was a mess. I felt so broken. Today, I feel healed. My Soul feels whole. I am excited for the future, in love with the present and thankful for the past. I am forever inspired, touched and healed by you!"

--Sarah, Trauma Survivor--
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